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Friday, August 6, 2010

The Situation

The return of Jersey Shore mandates the return of the blog. This show continues to entertain and break new ground in comedy. Just last night The Situation had the following exchange:
TS: Yeah, I need to place an order for delivery.
DG: What's the name on that?
TS: The Situation.
DG: What?
TS: The Situation. Capital S, i, t, u, a, t, i, o, n.

Simply brilliant. We also learned that the new house is a grenade free foundation.
I was really worried that season 2 wouldn't live up to season 1, but I've been proven wrong so far. Let's hope they keep up the good work.

I actually listened to Carolla for the first time in several weeks this morning. I am not a fan of his new podcast format, since T is prominently involved. She's the worst, Jerry, the worst. But I have discovered that they do a weekly recap called, "This Week in This Week." It's basically a highlight show and covers all the good, without all the crap filler. I will at least listen to that once a week and share my thoughts.

I had an extraordinary discovery the other day. I learned that Girl Clerk #1's ex-boyfriend is a Carolla fiend just like me and that factor in their breakup was his Carolla obsession. I wish I could have been around to instruct her how to deal with the situation and have him start an unreadable blog to save the relationship. So maybe for the sake of others in relationships, I need to start writing again in order to show others the way to maintain happy relationships with their partners of questionable comedy taste.

And now a non-Journey song for your weekend. Mahalo.


  1. I have been LONGING for the return of some decent reading. I was about to try to get you to friend me on Facebook so that I could harass you into blogging again. We've been spared - thank you, Situation.
