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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

And now for something completely different...

Today's installment has nothing to do with baby E or the Aceman. You're welcome. Instead I wanted to write about my personal fitness journey, if for no other reason than to give my 5 readers a permission to ask if I'm still working out so I don't get fat again.
In July 2010, I reached my heaviest weight ever. 310 pounds. It hurts to just type that number. I had simply fallen into awful eating habits and neglected exercise. I decided (or was inspired by my brother) to get back in shape. It started with simply trying to get through a 30 minute weight workout and swimming a few times/week. The weight started to disappear, but when you're 310, you have a long way to do. I gradually started doing more intense workouts and running. At first running 1 mile was all I could do. Slowly but surely I was able to add miles, just like I was adding weight to my lifts. I focused on doing the lifts I had always avoided, like squats, deadlifts and pull ups.
In addition to exercising, I committed myself to eating better and cutting out all the needless things I was eating. Eating right has certainly been a challenge, but the results are worth the sacrifice. As of today, I am down 90 pounds and can wear the same size pants as I did in high school. It's been a long journey, but it's changed my life. I wanted to make sure that I was there for baby E when she grows up. I cannot think of a better reason to get healthy.

All this is leading up to my decision to run a marathon in April. I am not sure why I want to do this because it seems like a terrible thing to do but I feel compelled. Plus, I figure that I am one more twisted ankle from being completely betrayed by my body and unable to do it. I will keep you all updated on my training and progress. It should be interesting.

Until next time, Mahalo.


  1. Wow! Congratulations!!! You look fantastic and healthy. I am proud of you too. You and Jon are an inspiration. :)

  2. You are amazing. Congratulations on your hard work.
