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Friday, July 29, 2011

New Certain Dri commercial

I am really excited today for a couple reasons. First, my daughter is only days away from her big debut. More importantly, I finally saw the new Certain Dri commercial in its entirety. I still cannot find a video of it and you can rest assured that I will post it as soon as I do.
The set up for the newest commercial features another attractive blonde talking to the camera about her sweating problems. But lucky for her, she's dating a doctor (shocker) and he suggested she use Certain Dri. Then our buddy, the profusely sweaty doc, comes on camera and puts his arm around her. And scene.
From my summary, you can obviously tell it's a pretty magical commercial. A couple of thoughts:
1. What's up with sweaty doc always being with sweaty girls? Does he have some crazy fetish for profuse sweating?
2. Why is blonde girl so excited about dating the sweaty doc, when we all know he's a sexual deviant based upon the last commercial?
3. Finally, why would sweaty doc think it's a good plan to put his arm (which we all know contains uncontrollable sweat glands) around this girl's neck. He's just playing with fire, consequences be damned.

My ultimate goal in life is to have a lunch with the actor who plays sweaty doc and the twin brunettes from Saved by the Bell that were always randomly in the background but only spoke 2 times. That would be a meal for the ages.

Until next time...

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