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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Journey Videos

I guess it is possible that some of you aren't obsessed with Journey like I am. While I find this insane, I will try to accommodate your odd tastes. But today is not that day. I think I have watched the shot for shot remake of Separate Ways at least 5 times today.

I have some thoughts while watching it yet again. First, wonderful job recreating the location. I can't imagine where they found a random warehouse with all the right elements. They didn't have enough random machinery at the 2:21 mark and there is no water at the 2:33 mark, but otherwise spot on. Also thier version of the 80's fox is not foxy at all. They could have done much better. Any shortcoming in the scenery are erased by the Steve Perry character's performance. He steals every scene he is in, especially at the 1:00 mark. And where in the hell did he get an exact replica shirt? I demand a follow up video explaining these questions.

Like almost anything amazing, over analysis leads to finding small flaws. There are two that stick out at me. The first is the facial hair of both the guitarist and drummer fall off at different times. It's almost like they only had enough tape for 1 take and had to play through it. However, if it was an artistic choice for comedy's sake, I applaud the move. Yet another reason why we need a follow up video. The other part that frustrates me is that it is the fake Steve Perry in bed at the end instead of the vaguely attractive 80's girl. Again, if it was a choice for comedy's sake, well done. I must imagine that it was because it wasn't like they couldn't have had un-foxy 80's fox come back for one more scene.

As I was watching it for the 3rd time today I had a thought about the guys: I think they all look very similar and wondered if they are 5 brothers. If they are, my mind is officially blown. They would be the coolest brothers of all time. (Edging out Frank and Sly Stallone, Don and Pat Swayze, Ozzie and Jose Canseco and Steve and Jean-Claude Van Damme). I always said I wanted to have 5 boys close in age so they could be their own basketball team. Now, I want to have 5 boys and force them to recreate Journey videos. It's a pretty great dream.

Carolla related news today. I was walking past the receptionist desk today and some girls were discussing their list of 5 celebrities they could have romantic relations with free of consequence (from that Friends episode). This topic came up once on Carolla and he suggested that you don't pick celebrities, but instead people that you actually run into with some frequency. His theory is that on the off chance that you actually met one of the celebrities there is no chance they would actually be into you. So, he says you should put the nanny, the Starbucks girl, etc on the list since that is far more likely. He also advocates putting generic categories, like Starbucks girl, and not proper names. I was eager to share Carolla's theory with the ladies, but was certain they would not be amused. I am also fairly confident that Jess would not find this funny. Good thing she doesn't read this anymore.

Until next time, Mahalo!


  1. 4 of the 5 guys in the videos are brothers. The 5th guy (the drummer) is their dad. The fifth brother (unseen) was the camera operator, and editor (that's me).

  2. Are you kidding me? I hope you are serious? I need to know more. You are a family of geniuses.
    Seriously, can I send you questions? I think the readers need a Q and A with you. Please email me the details.
