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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Deadliest Warrior

This is a non-Carolla related post, but I just want to make sure that everyone is aware of the show "The Deadliest Warrior." It is hilarious and bizarre. It pits two historical warriors against each other (recent episodes included Apache Indian v. Gladiator; Viking v. Samurai; and Ninja v. Spartan). As you can plainly see, it is incredible. The show answers the age old question of which one would win in a fight and then they do tests on the weapons and run it through a simulation 1000 times to find a winner. I highly recommend it. Tomorrow (Tuesday) nights episode is Pirate v. Knight. I have to give the edge to the pirate since he has a gun. Hardly seems fair, but I am sure the result will surprise me.

And now this, just because it is funny.