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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Jon's Big Day

Today is a great day for Jonathan, the man who is ultimately responsible for this blog since he introduced me to Carolla's radio show. Hey Brother. Jon had his Doctoral defense today and passed. He is now Jonathan, PhD. Which is awesome. Congratulations Jon. But I am going to call you Doc from now on, so get used to that. It will be funny on a few levels:
1. It reminds me of Back to the Future (note to readers: my keychain is a DeLorian)
2. It is always funny to call someone Doc.
3. I am relatively sure that it will embarrass Jon, which is also always funny.

I know that you all have missed Carolla talk over the past 2 days. I actually got an email about it today complaining about my lack of posting. Luckily, it was only from a co-worker, and I write a hit blog so I am not sweating it.

The thing I really wanted to talk to Jessica about this week was Adam's rant about people that drink energy drinks being A-holes. He really has a good point. Let's follow his theory:
Picture the coolest guy you know: See him? Now can you picture him with an energy drink? Of course not.
Now think of the biggest douche you know. See him? He totally slams energy drinks all night, while spitting game on only 10's. (For those of you who pictured me when thinking of the biggest douche they know, for shame. I expect more from you). He is really right though. When I am in charge and get to hire people I am going to make it an interview question. It would allow me to screen poor candidates and ensure a douche free work environment.

I haven't listened to the rest of the podcasts yet so I have no more Carolla related thoughts I wanted to share with Jessica. She has been maintaining she doesn't read the blog, but somehow still reads the comments. With that in mind, please leave comments so they will come up on her Google reader. I beg you. The more comments, the more annoyed she becomes. And to any nerd out there, I need your help. I want to create a Carolla iPhone ringtone for her phone, then add it to her phone when she isn't paying attention. You have no idea how delightful it will be to see her face the first time her ringtone is the soothing sounds of Ace. Thanks in advance for all your help. And I am still waiting for t-shirt ideas, so send those too.

Shout Out Time! Welcome Jennifer. Glad you stopped by. In honor of your visit, the greatest video EVER. As a young man, I rented the NBA Superstars video almost as much as Conan the Destroyer. That is high praise.

1 comment:

  1. Your links are hilarious and so apropos. Way to keep us entertained while we wait for more Corrolaspeak.
